Tips to Improve Landlord-Tenant Communication

By 16th October 2014Blog

Good communication is an important aspect of running a successful property management business. Whether you are dealing with a prospective tenant during the tenant screening process, current tenants, or service providers, clear and effective communication affects your business or property deals positively.

In a property management business, landlords need to communicate with their potential and current tenants effectively to run the business efficiently. Great communication not only helps you crack profitable deals but also minimizes your stress. It also keeps you out of legal issues. That is why it is important for every landlord to establish good tenant communication right from the beginning.

Here are some useful tips to improve landlord-tenant communication.

Be a good listener

Tenants want to be heard. You can respond to them appropriately only when you focus on what your tenants are trying to say. Be a good listener. Give your tenants time to express their needs and feelings, instead of simply sharing yours.

Identify different styles of tenant communication

Every tenant communicates in a different style. Some tenants talk fast and want quick solutions to their issues. Get right to the point with such tenants. Others want more details and explanations so provide them the same. By taking out a little time to learn about your tenants, you can respond to their requirements effectively.

Share expectations

Landlords must be clear about what they expect from their tenants. Be clear with your policies and procedures. For instance, if you have a no-pet policy then tell it to them clearly. Let the tenants clearly know if you want them to change their behavior when residing in your property.

Make it collaborative

Make your communication sound more collaborative than authoritative. Say ‘I need your help to sort out the garbage issue outside your apartment entrance’ instead of ‘Just clear out the garbage you dumped in my property.’ This will help you resolve issues and accomplish your expectations from the tenants easily.

Be polite

Communicate courteously with manners with your tenants. Say ‘Good Morning’ when you come across any of your tenants in the morning. Call tenants ‘Sir’ and ‘Ma’am’. Ask the tenants whether you can come in even if it is a scheduled maintenance visit. If their kid is crying, ask if it would be better for you to see them later.

Avoid getting emotional

If things get heated, manage them with a calm mind. Be professional. It will help you appease the situation and solve the issue in a better way.

If you follow these six effective tips when communicating with your tenants you can adapt to their style of communication, understand their needs, share your expectations with them, and establish a good landlord-tenant relationship. Better communication can also help you to reduce stress, experience fewer tenant turnovers, and better profits.